LADERA North Carolina | CalAtlantic Homes
What began as a building essential in the Near East & India 5,000-7,000 years ago, wound its way through ancient Egypt & Europe to the Americas. Today brick has become the “all-American” building product, with a range of colors, textures, shapes, and sizes brick has been used in North America from Colonial, to Victorian to Post-Modern times.
Brick provides an abundant amount of colors due to a variety of clay types, pigments, degree of burn and timely patina that produces diversity and multiplicity within neighborhoods.
We at AT Design Consulting are very excited to be working in States where “brick” is king and rules the color palette. Designing with such an ancient material in today’s builder communities has been both challenging and a great privilege. With a variety of projects in different Cities and States, we find that the local masonry colors are as diverse as the people and places we design for.
Our reach from West Coast to East Coast has provided us with newly found relationships with local vendors, material resources and regional product lines. We are happy to say that we have been able to strategically bring together the needs of each project to create developments that both meets the requirements of our Clients and their local markets.